Chapter 335

More from Pure Juice! <3

Skin: [CheerNo Femme] Skins_Dahlia 2_light/LB/SP 1- Pure Juice
Hair: TRUTH - Aradia - chocolate
Dress: .Magoa. IneXXX Dress - Pure Juice
Nails: ::je suis...naive::Nails::No.001::Reds
Shoes: Republic - Charlotte Flats - Black and Ivory Paisley - Pure Juice
Pose: Di's Poses - Pure Juice

Skin: *CandyDoll* - Rakel - Pure Juice
Hair: Maitreya : LE.LOOK! La femme - Hair/Hat - Coffee
Suit: [CheerNo] TAILORED_SUIT black/pink - Pure Juice
Shoes: Republic - Charlotte Flats - Black and Ivory Paisley - Pure Juice
Pose & Prop: HelaMiyo - Pure Juice
