Chapter 471

This is going to be a pretty brief post, because I'm in need of some food! But here's more from Culture Shock! The event ends next weekend, so check it out before it ends! <3 

Skin: *JeSyLiLO* :::Kaljya::: LightSkin J3 - Culture Shock
Eyes: *JeSyLiLO* :::DeepEyes::: Grey - Culture Shock
Makeup: Cheap Makeup- Zeitgeist Eye Makeup 8 - Culture Shock
Tongue: -RC- Twisted Tongues (downstraight)
Hair: [e] Claim 2 – Red 08
Top: [IREN] Patriotic Tanktop /UK - Culture Shock
Bottoms: -tb- C88 Juju Jeans – White Lace
Belt: *COCO* _gift-belt
Necklace: [ skream! ] Bottled Up Pain. Necklace  [store is closed]
Earrings: [ skream! ] “Safety First” Earrings  [store is closed]
Bracelet: (AMD) Fashionista Bangles - Silver - Culture Shock
Ring: [ skream! ] “I<3skream” sucker-puncher [store is closed]
Shoes: Ingenue :: Jude Boot :: Ebon - Culture Shock
Pose: Olive Juice – Rock Star 6
