Chapter 449

Introducing a new face from Apple May Designs, Regina. Also new to the store is the dress that I'm wearing and the necklace too! Undefined lilies has a cute new earring set out now for Project Themeory, it comes in six colors. Be sure to pick it up this weekend, while it's only 75l. <3 

Skin: (AMD) Regina - Pale - Fierce 2 - NEW!
Hair: [e] Early - Brown 11
Dress: Apple May Designs - Cosmo - MESH - NEW!
Bra: Doppelganger Inc. - Coquette Lingerie - Black
Necklace: (AMD) Rosalyn Necklace - NEW!
Earrings: undefined lilies - not that glam (pink/gold) - NEW!
Pose: don't freak out!
