Chapter 531

Here's another cute new do from MINA Hair that is available at the Hair Fair. And the Hair Fair is winding down, so make sure you check it out.

Skin: (AMD) Bebe - Peachy - Soho 1
Lipstick: (AMD) Teegan Lipsticks - Natural *Golden Crush*
Hair: MINA Hair - Ineke - Hair Fair 2013 - NEW!
Dress: ::HH:: Hucci Rouen Dress - Gift - NEW!
Bralet: (TokiD) Quinn bralet (pink)
Necklace: [ skream! ] "Taste the Summer" (black)
Watch: Kari - Triple strap watch - Cappuccino
Shoes: [HABERDASHERY] Charlotte Riding Boots Natural
Pose: Rozena & Long Awkward Poses
